A Church? For the Strip?

I mentioned a couple days ago that we are starting a church for people who don’t like church. One of the other unusual things is that it’s a church specifically for people who work on and live around the Strip.

There are some good churches in Las Vegas (mostly for people who do like church) but they are basically all out in the suburbs. On and around the Strip there is almost nothing. So we decided there should be something, and we’re calling it Verve, and it starts this Sunday.

Originally the idea was that we’d be in the middle of the Strip, but people who worked on the Strip made it obvious that we should be close to but not on the Strip. And so we will be meeting at 7850 S. Dean Martin Drive, facing the Strip and the 15, and about 2 miles south of Mandalay Bay.

Being a church for people who work on the Strip also meant we needed a non-Sunday morning option, as so many work weekends. That’s why we’re offering services not only at 10:05 and 11:35 on Sundays, but also at 7:05 on Monday evenings.

If you’re here in Vegas, and you don’t like church, show up and check us out.