Why I Write Books

Received this e-mail a couple days ago:

I am an Anglican ordinand teaching at a Catholic high school for low-income kids in inner city Detroit. My friend works for Baker and thought I would enjoy your title, so she sent me a copy last week. It arrived for me at work and I had it on my desk, not even having a chance to look through it of yet.

One of my students, Orthodox by background but professing to not believe in Jesus or church anymore, saw the book and thought it looked cool. I let her borrow it, not knowing what the content was like…

Every morning she tells me about how great it is. The chapter that talks about TWLOHA moved her in a strong way, as she admitted that she loves TWLOHA (as do I, I share about my involvement with it in class regularly) and didn’t know that it came from a deep sense of following Christ.

My favorite quote of hers: “This books makes me want to love Jesus and go to church again! I love it!”