America’s Disease, The Sequel

Yesterday I shared some thoughts on the problem we have with greed, and an idea or two on how to combat greed. Here’s one more…

Greed is natural. It’s natural for us to want more, and so the trick is to want more of God.

And if I’m someone who believes in God, and I find myself wanting more of other things, I need to ask myself two difficult questions:

  1. Do I really believe God is in control? Because when I look at what I don’t have and want, what I’m really saying is, “God, you don’t know. I know what I need better than you do. You’re not providing for me.” If I truly believe God is in control, I’ll be content with what I have.
  2. Do I really believe God is enough? Because God has promised to take care of me, but He’s also said, “No matter what you have or don’t have, I’ve already taken care of your only true need. Because all you truly need is me. I am enough for you.”

I’m learning that the best place to direct our “want more” is God, because God is the only thing that has ever truly satisfied me.

To learn more about leaving behind the mundane and really living the life, check out my book, I Became A Christian And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt.