The Makings Of A Church Planter (4)

I’ve been sharing some thoughts on a few of the critical characteristics of an effective church planter. Here’s a fourth: You must have serious relational intelligence and amazing relational dexterity. 

As a church planter you’ll have to:

  1. Move into, understand, and start to network in a new town.
  2. Get people to buy into and own your vision.
  3. Help people find their place on the team.
  4. Equip people for ministry.
  5. Lead a staff.
  6. Work the lobby after services.
  7. Counsel with hurting people.
  8. Say no to people who want to hijack your vision.
  9. Deal with lots of conflict.
  10. Maintain unity.

And lots more, and all of that requires that you have serious relational intelligence and amazing relational dexterity.

By the way, of the characteristics necessary for a church planter, this is my weakest.

Want to learn about church planting, especially how to start a church for people who don’t like church? Come to our next Vault Church Planting Lab!