An Immersive Seminar?

So we’ve got this conference we’re doing (again) in October called Vault.  And if I were you I’d be asking, “Why should I go?  I mean, sure, it’s in Vegas and that’s cool.  And it’s only like $100 and that’s cheap.  But why should I go to this over another conference?”

Answer?  Because it’s an immersive seminar.  If you want amazing speakers, Vault is not the best choice?  Want dance troops?  Not Vault.  Want a light show?  No to Vault.  But if you want an immersive seminar … Vault is for you

What do I mean?  I mean if you want to be a church for people who don’t like church, a church that knows how to connect with people who are far from God and help them to find God, we will take you into the vault.  We will show you what we do.  You will experience what we do.  You will meet atheists and church haters who have had their minds and lives changed at Verve.  You will hear their stories.  You will get to ask questions of the speakers.  And we will vault you out with principles that you can apply in your setting, in the way that fits for you who you are.

To do all that, we have to keep the numbers intentionally small.  We will not allow more than 125 people to come.  Registration is open, people are starting to sign-up.  If you’re not one of the first 125, we’ll have to say no.  So register soon.