Feels Like The Second Time: Youth

A year ago we launched Verve, which is the second new church I’ve started.  I thought it may be interesting for some of you if I shared a few of the things I’ve noticed about starting a church for the second time.  So here’s the third:

I like watching poker on TV and one of the interesting things to me is how it’s a young man’s game.  It’s actually pretty extraordinary.  The World Series will start with every age group well represented, and end with final tables of 20 year olds, and maybe one guy in his 30’s.  Year after year the “Youngest Player Ever To Win” record gets broken.  Why is that?  I don’t know, but I think it’s because those poker tournaments go on all day, day after day, and the older players start to wear down and lose their edge.

Church planting goes on all day, day after day.  Starting a new church takes a level of energy and endurance that just isn’t quite necessary for pastors of established churches.  And, honestly, I never would have said this before starting Verve (at the age of 40) but there is a lot to be said for starting a church young.  (I was 27 the first time.)  Fortunately, I have always had excess energy and endurance so I’m fine, but it was easier when I was 27…