Feels Like The Second Time: Experience

A year ago we launched Verve, which is the second new church I’ve started.  I thought it may be interesting for some of you if I shared a few of the things I’ve noticed about starting a church for the second time.  So here’s the fourth:

As I said last time, there is something to be said for youthful exuberance, but experience is nice.  The first time I planted a church I felt like I was walking in the dark.  This time … well, I still feel like I’m walking in the dark.  But there are some things experience teaches you.  Last time I did almost no fund raising mostly because I didn’t know how, we had one event to try and get people for our launch team, we advertised our grand opening in one main way, I had never led a staff.

This time all that changed.  I didn’t get any smarter, I just had more experience.  And one cool thing about doing this again is that you get to redeem some of your mistakes from the first time by chalking them up as “experience” and not repeating them…