Signed Up Yet?

Have you signed up for Vault? We are limiting the number of people who can come to Vault to around 100, and people are signing up, so if you want to come, you may want to register soon.

Why should you sign up for Vault? Well, if you want to learn how to start or lead a church, in general, there may be better options. But if you want to learn how to start and lead a church that reaches people who are far from God and not into church, there may not be better options.

It’s just different than other conferences. Partly because it’s small so there are opportunities to network, meet and ask questions of the speakers, etc. But more because we are focusing in on how you reach the cynical and jaded and skeptical and help them to see that church is not what they thought, that Jesus is a treasure worth giving up everything for, and that following Him wholeheartedly is the only real way to live.

If that sounds good to you, see you in Vegas in October.