Sublimation 4: Deep Sublimation
Been sharing some thoughts on sublimation, which is basically replacing a negative with a positive. Yesterday we talked about replacing unhealthy actions with healthy one’s. Important. But there’s a type of sublimation that is far more critical.
All those selfish and self-destructive behaviors we do, why do we do them? When you get to the heart of it, it’s because we believe a lie. I sabotage my relationships because I believe I’m not worthy of one. I overeat because I think food can make me happy. I lie because I believe my worth is determined by what other people think of me, and so I need to impress them. And as long as I continue to believe lies, I’ll continue to engage in the same behaviors.
So I need to practice sublimation. I need to replace the lies with truth. Until I do, I’ll stay stuck in the same behaviors.
So … what do you keep doing even though you don’t want to? And what lie is that behavior based on? And what’s the truth that needs to replace that lie?