Ready to Start 4: A Committed Team

Over a few weeks I thought I’d share what I consider to be the six critical things you need before you start your church. Here’s one:

8 of 10 new churches die within three years. Of the churches that survive, 96% will never grow beyond 200 people.  Why? Lots of reasons, but one is that most start without a committed team. Studies have shown that 40 is the minimum number of contributing (serving, inviting, giving) adults you need to get off to a healthy start.

It you have that committed team, it gives you a foundation of people who can invite their friends, greet people, run sound, play the music, watch kids, etc., etc.  It also helps gives you critical mass – an amount of people where it’s not weird when people show up because it feels like no one is there.

If you don’t have a committed team – I’m saying 40 adults or more – you’re not ready to start.

Want to learn more about church planting? Come to Vault, Verve’s intensive, immersive seminar for church planters!