Discover Your Calling (5)
One of the saddest things I encounter is a person without a life passion.
And one of the most exciting things I get to do is help people
discover their calling from God and start to live it out.
Thought I’d do a few posts on how to discover your calling…
Parker Palmer has a great little book called Let Your Life Speak, which is all about discovering your calling. Palmer tells the story of a time when he was offered a job he planned on taking. But he comes from a Quaker background and the Quakers have a tradition called a “Clearness Committee,” where when a person is faced with a decision having to do with their calling, they meet with a few wise friends. The friends ask a series of questions designed to help discern whether this new job is truly a part of God’s calling on that person’s life.
Well, I don’t know much about Quakers beyond oatmeal, but I like this idea. The Bible teaches us that we are incredible at self-deception, and that there is wisdom in many counselors. So if you’re trying to discover your calling, one way to do it is to ask. E-mail a bunch of friends and ask them what they think. Or bring together a small group of wise people who know you well, give out some rice cakes, and ask them to ask you a bunch of questions.
Other people probably see things about you that you don’t see about you.