Vault is Coming!

We are only about four months away from Vault! Vault is the conference we put on for church leaders who want to be equipped to reach people who don’t like church. Most churches attract church hoppers and church shoppers, so how do we bring in, and keep, and see life change in the lives of people who don’t like church and have no interest in going.

We’ll talk about it. We’ll share what we’ve learned at Verve. And John Burke will share what he’s learned at Gateway in Austin. And one of the cool things is that we intentionally keep the attendance down to about 100 people, so you’ll have a chance to interact with the speakers and with others at the conference. In fact, we do several things that you’ll love, and which would be impossible at a bigger conference.

But because we only allow about one hundred, you need to register soon. Once we hit our max, we truly will say no to people, so register now. (The whole thing is only $125, and we provide three of your meals! And we also can get you into a hotel here in Vegas for under $40!)