Family Tradition: Family Dream Session

Because of my belief in the importance of meaningful traditions, I’m sharing a few from time-to-time that we’ve established in our family…

This is the last family tradition I’ll mention: Our family starts every year by dreaming together. We spend some time individually (eating peanut butter & banana French Toast and) thinking about questions like:

  • What are my favorite things about our family?
  • What do I think our family needs to change this year?
  • What are my favorite things about me?
  • What are some of the gifts God has given me?
  • What are some of the careers I think might be a good fit for me based on my unique design?
  • What do I think God is calling us to do this year?

And then we regroup and talk through the answers. Stole this idea from Todd Clark, and we love it. Awesome way to start each year.