Family Tradition: Fondue Holidays

Because of my belief in the importance of meaningful traditions, I’m sharing a few from time-to-time that we’ve established in our family…

I think we got the fondue set as a wedding present. We never used it, then one day for some strange reason decided to give it a try. We liked it. Our kids loved it. They started asking all the time if we could do fondue. Well, fondue isn’t exactly good for you. And it’s not the easiest thing to prepare. So we kept saying no.

Then brilliance struck.

We decided to have fondue for holidays. Not Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, which tend to have big meals anyway. But like St. Patricks, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day. We thought it might be a fun way to celebrate the “lesser” holidays, and would guarantee we have fondue regularly, but not too often.

It’s perfect. We usually do meat fondue (meat cooked in boiling oil is awesome) and sometimes chocolate fondue. And it’s a fun, loooong meal to sit around and talk and laugh and cook for each other. Our kids love it. When a holiday is coming they are typically asking, “Are we going to have fondue?!”

So I’ve been sharing some of our family traditions – you got any you want to share?