
Recently watched the documentary Pearl Jam 20 by Cameron Crowe (I love you Cameron Crowe!), and I thought it had a ton of lessons for church planters. Here’s one…

At one point in the documentary Eddie Vedder is talking about the (amazing) song “Black” and he makes a comment I think reveals why Pearl Jam made it big initially, and have continued to make great music for twenty years. Vedder says, “It’s the true story of something I really felt, and I still feel it every time I sing it.” He wrote the song from an authentic place, and he’s never lost the passion for it.
How great would it be to be able to say that about a church planter? To start from an authentic relationship with God, to do ministry and write messages out of that real intimacy with Him, and to never lose the passion. The passion for God, the passion for ministry, the passion for helping people without Jesus find Him and find life in Him.
What a powerful thing: It’s the true story of something I really felt, and I still feel it every time I sing it.
Could you say that?