Same Team

Recently watched the documentary Pearl Jam 20 by Cameron Crowe (I love you Cameron Crowe!), and I thought it had a ton of lessons for church planters. Here’s one…
In the 1980’s there were a bunch of bands in Seattle (wearing lots of plaid). Two of the up and coming bands were Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. But rather than view the music scene as a zero sum game, the two bands formed a friendship and supported each other. In the documentary there’s great old footage of them performing together.
When Eddie Vedder (singer for Pearl Jam) moved to Seattle from San Diego he was new not only to town, but also to fronting a band and performing publicly, and so Chris Cornell (singer for Soundgarden) mentored Vedder. Cornell even wrote a song (“Hunger Strike”) that he ended up singing with Eddie, which became Vedder’s first recorded song.
How cool would it be if churches followed that example? Too often pastors are territorial and churches feel threatened if a new church gets started in their area. Seriously? That’s the way of Jesus’ Kingdom? What if churches partnered together? What if more experienced pastors took in the new church planter in town and mentored him?


  1. Unknown on November 17, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    Awesome observation Vince. Do you mind if I repost this on the NEW BREED CHURCH PLANTING blog site? I’d credit you of course, but I love your style and ability to learn from a rock band. Heck, the puritans learned from everything in the world around them and used it to illustrate the truth. Your challenge to work together is something that New Breed is absolutely passionate about as we strive to plant churches based upon the New Testament model of team planting.

  2. Vince Antonucci: on November 17, 2011 at 6:16 pm

    Sure thing, anything I have is everyone’s…

  3. Brian Becker on November 17, 2011 at 6:32 pm

    Hey Vince,

    Thanks for leading by example in this.

    hopecity would suck if we “carbon-copied” Verve, but at the same time, your willingness to let us learn, grow and even use resources has saved us countless hours and mistakes. Besides, it’s kind of cool if that means you are Chris Cornell and I’m Eddie Vedder in this metaphor. Cheers.