Announcing: Vault 2012

This year we did our second Vault Conference. We’re taking it year-by-year, trying to determine if this conference is needed, and really helping people in their mission of connecting people who are far from God to Him through Jesus. We took a bit of time after this year’s conference to decide if we do it again in 2012, or even whether we multiply it – as we’ve had offers of doing our conference in other parts of the country.

And we’ve decided … we’re going to do it again in 2012, just once, in Las Vegas, October 15-17.

As we did last year, we’re going to have some guest speakers.  Jud Wilhite has agreed to speak for us in 2012, which is awesome.  We’re also going to hear from Scott Bloyer, who I invited because of the great things he’s doing in his church plant in Denver, including reaching a bunch of MMA fighters.  I think we’ll have a few other speaker announcements coming soon.

We’re going to change a few things next year.  We’ve gotten amazing reviews both years, but have learned a few things we can improve.  For instance, next year:  (1) No repeat material (because we have people who are coming back every year),  (2) A few breakout sessions for specialized learning opportunities,  (3) More chances to network with other pastors, and  (4) We’re lowering the price back down to $100 (which it was the first year).  We figure the economy is hurting everyone, so let’s make this as cheap as we can, and if we don’t make much (or any) money, oh well.

And … you can register starting now.  So go do it.