Reality Church Shows – the Sequel

Yesterday I shared a few stupid ideas for church-based reality TV shows. But here’s a real one:

Shark Tank: Church Edition

I love Shark Tank, the show where inventors and people in the process of launching new businesses go before some venture capitalists asking for investments to help start or grow their businesses. So what if we did the same thing with ministries? Church planters and missionaries and all kinds of spiritual entrepreneurs go in front of people who have money to invest for God’s Kingdom.

On the actual show the venture capitalists aren’t only looking at the quality of the idea, they also realize that they’re investing in the person with the idea. The same would be true on Church Edition: Is it a quality vision to advance God’s Kingdom, and the right point leader to make it happen?

On the actual show the venture capitalists also want to know: What’s already happened with this business? If it seems like a great idea, but you have little to no sales, something’s wrong and you’re not getting any investment. Again, same could be true for Church Edition. If it’s just a great idea, but with no fruit, no results, sorry, there’s lots of great ideas.

Isn’t this an awesome idea? And I’ve got to say, when someone makes this reality TV show reality, I’m going on it. At Verve we have a great vision. For Las Vegas, and beyond. Ultimately, our dream is to start churches on the most sinful streets in the most difficult to reach cities of the world. And we’re already showing that it’s more than just a great idea – it’s happening, there’s already amazing results. Now we need some serious investors to help us to take it to the next level. So someone start this show and get me on it! Or … some of you can just make an investment right now.