Vault Speaker Intro: Scott Bloyer

Churches are great at reaching church people. There are very few churches that are great at reaching people who are not into church and not into God. But, according to Jesus, that is the mission of the church. And that’s why this year we’re offering the Vault Conference for the third time. The Vault Conference is all and only about helping people who are far from God get close to Him.

Mostly what we do at Vault is share principles we’re learning at Verve so you can figure out how to apply them in your church. But we also bring in a few guest speakers to share an added perspective. This year we are excited to have Scott Bloyer.

When I go to conferences it seems like it’s always the same speakers – they’re great, but I’ve heard them. And I wonder: Isn’t there anyone out there doing something great who I haven’t heard?!

Scott Bloyer is someone out there doing something great who you haven’t heard. Scott started a church in a suburb of Denver that is truly reaching people who don’t like church and aren’t into God. The coolest thing about Scott is that he lives like a missionary. He is out in his community building relationships. He coaches football and UFC fighters. And he’s leading them to Jesus.

I can’t wait for you to meet Scott and learn from him. But to do that, you need to register for Vault. Do it today!