Why So Excited About Auxano? (2)

I announced two days ago that I’m now working (part-time) for Will Mancini and Auxano as a consultant, writer, speaker, coach. And yesterday I explained how excited I am because I think what Auxano does for churches is amazing.

But there’s another reason…

My deep respect for Will Mancini. I read his book back in 2008. In 2009, I mentioned the book to the most brilliant guy I know and he asked, “Have you met Will? He’s brilliant.” I was like, “If Mr. Brilliant thinks Will is brilliant, he must be really brilliant.”

Later that year I met Will virtually through a webinar. I briefly let him know that I loved his book and that we were trying to apply its concepts at the church we were starting in Sin City. He had heard about our church plant and said he’d love to consult with us. I told him we didn’t have a budget for that. He said that Auxano chooses a church or two each year to help for free, as a way of giving back. I thought, “Yeah, right.” And … a few months later Will flew out to Vegas to spend two days with our staff. Wow! A year later he came out again to coach us through a staff retreat as we worked on fine-tuning our vision frame. More wow.

What I want my life to be all about is integrity and humility. And I want to work with people who have integrity and humility. And that’s Will. I’m honored to get to work with him. And I know being around him is going to make me better, and I wouldn’t mind getting better.  🙂