An Opportunity For Pastors!

I’ve recently started working part-time as a Coach for Auxano.  Auxano is led by Will Mancini, who is one of the smartest guys I’ve come across.  He wrote a book called Church Unique which was HUGE for me, and has been for tons of churches.  The core ideas are: (1) God has a unique vision for who your church should be, so don’t photocopy your vision from some other church, and (2) You need to have absolute clarity about your church’s vision.  The book takes you through how to develop a “vision frame” – clearly defining your mission, strategy, values, and measures (how do you define success).  That may sound simple, but personally I know of very few (almost no) churches that have true clarity on all those things, and they’re handicapped because they don’t.

Auxano also provides amazing coaching through this process.  They go to churches and offer individual consulting.  BUT the cost of that is too much for some churches, so they also offer what they call “co-labs”.  A co-lab is where 6 to 10 churches get coached together through the process of developing their individual vision frames and getting true vision clarity.  (The side-benefit is that you also get to develop relationships with and learn from the other churches in the group.)  A co-lab gives you:

  • Six 2-hour seminars, and six 90 minute question-and-answer conversations, over six months.  The coaching will prepare you to lead a team from your church through the process, or you could have your team go through the coaching with you.
  • Two 1-hour one-on-one phone calls with the coach.
  • A “Church Unique” toolbox, which provides all kinds of tools and resources and exercises to use with your church team

The cost is $1,800, and it’s totally worth it.  Our church has gone through the book, gotten Auxano coaching, and it’s been a game changer for us.  The cool thing is that it doesn’t just improve your church now; it improves your entire future because having that kind of clarity changes everything.

As a new Auxano coach, I’m leading a virtual co-lab starting in June.  Virtual meaning you show up online and/or by phone, so you can do it from anywhere, don’t have to leave your office or change out of your pajamas, etc.  The dates will be:

  • Co-Lab Sessions:  June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, October 23, November 20
  • Q&A Calls: July 17, August 14, September 11, October 2, November 6, December 11

If you had to miss one it would be okay, as they are all taped and can be listened to/viewed later.

If you’re interested, please let me know.  I’d be excited to have you in this co-lab, and it would be great for you and your church! I can only have 10 churches in it at most, and I think I already have 4 or 5, so please let me know ASAP.