Talk Like You Talk

The first time I had the opportunity to preach in a church I was a Law School Student (long story) with very little public speaking experience and no preaching experience. The day came, I gave my sermon, then asked my girlfriend at the time (whom I happen to be married to now) what she thought. She said it was great, but just didn’t sound like me.

“Who did I sound like?” I asked.
“Not sure,” Jen told me, “but not you.”

I had to preach a few more times before I finally figured it out. I was talking like I write. I would write out my message (still do) and I (naturally) wrote it the way I write.  (After all, I was writing.)  Then I would read it several times to internalize it (still do) and then on Sunday go up and preach it. The problem is that I would speak it as I wrote it, and I wrote it the way I write, not talk.

You may never have thought about it, but you don’t talk like you write either. You write, “We have never seen such a thing” but you’d say, “We’ve never seen such a thing.”  You write, “We have got to see it” but you’d say, “We’ve gotta see it.”

So I stood up on Sunday and said, “We have never seen such a thing” and “We have got to see it” and Jen was like, “Who is this formal guy?”

If you speak for a living, and write what you’re going to speak before you say it, write the way you talk, so when you speak, you can talk like you talk.


  1. Lauren Stanley on May 12, 2012 at 5:42 am

    Lucky for me…I write for a living 🙂

  2. Lauren Stanley on May 12, 2012 at 5:43 am

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