Vault + Auxano Announcement!

Cool news: Will Mancini and Auxano will be doing a Church Unique workshop on Vision Clarity at Verve on Monday morning, October 15th, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.  The Vault Conference starts on October 15th at 1:00 p.m.  Yes, we’ve strategically put these two events back-to-back so you can attend both!

The Auxano workshop is $50.  Vault is $100.  But you can attend both for only $130!  Yowza!

Will’s coaching and the ministry of Auxano have been a game changer for Verve in helping us to find vision clarity, and I am so excited for people who attend Vault to be able to show up four hours early and get this workshop from Auxano.  It will be great.

And if you’ve got a tight budget and have realized that the price for Vault is fantastic, but that unfortunately you still need to pay for travel expenses, hopefully the idea that you can experience both of these events will make it way worth the travel costs.

See you on October 15th!