Vault: What People Said

Vault, our conference on how to do church for people who don’t like church, is coming up again in October. We’re figuring out ways to make it even more valuable to those who attend, so the other day I skimmed through the evaluation forms from last year’s conference. It was so gratifying to read how much people got out of it. Here are some of the comments we received:

  • “This was the greatest. I think I actually love people again.”
  • “Best church planting conference. Equipping me to do a better job. Fantastic presenters, clear, succinct, meaty. Bravo!!”
  • “Loved hearing the stories … very educational in reaching those ‘far from God'”
  • “This stuff is invaluable!”
  • “Very comprehensive and relevant to the task.”
  • “What a gift … LIFE CHANGING, igniting!”
  • “I LOVED it!”

Plan on being in Vegas for Vault this year. You can register today!