I Saw In My Head

I’m not a huge golf fan, but I’ve become a pretty big Bubba Watson fan. The guy seems to really live out his faith, and he’s way goofy.

Last month Bubba won the Masters with what seemed to be an impossible shot. After his from on the second hold of the play-off landed in the middle of the woods it seemed like he couldn’t recover. But Bubba chopped down at the ball and bent and arced it around the trees and onto the green. When asked about it he said, “It was just a crazy shot I saw in my head.”

That’s the way it always is with anything improbable and crazy. Facebook started as a crazy business Mark Zuckerberg saw in his head. Compassion International started as a crazy idea Everett Swanson saw in his head. Willow Creek Community Church started as a crazy idea Bill Hybels saw in his head. It starts in some visionary’s head, and then there’s a process that takes it from a crazy idea to reality.

This is what I’ve loved about Auxano since I was first introduced to them, and why I’m excited to be working with them – they help people get clarity about the crazy idea in their head, and give them tools to know how to make it reality.

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