Live For Greatness

Have you seen the new slogan for Rolex?

Live For Greatness

I realize Rolex are one of the world’s most expensive watches, going for around $1,000 to $100,000 but even still, I had no idea greatness comes so cheap.

Really? Wearing a Rolex means I’m living for greatness? The sad thing is that for a lot of people, the answer would be yes. They’d define greatness by the square feet of their house, luxurious of their car, and price tag of their watch. Or greatness might be equated with a title at work, an amount of money in a savings account, or the approval of a parent.

But greatness has to be deeper that that, doesn’t it? And greatness may not be how we define it. Jesus said the path to greatness is serving, and the greatest of all is the least of all. If you really want to live for greatness … there you go.