River, or Puddle?

A river is a river because it has boundaries. It’s the boundaries, which constrict the river, that give it momentum and power. Will Mancini says without banks, a river isn’t a river, it’s a puddle.

For a church (or business), values are the boundaries. Values are shared convictions. They’re what we’re passionate about. They guide our decision making and our actions. And, in that sense, they are constricting. Values lead to saying no. They show us what we shouldn’t be doing.

They are constricting. They provide boundaries. But it’s because of those boundaries that a church can have momentum and power. Without values, a church is, well, a puddle.

And if your church lacks momentum and power, could it be because you lack clear, widely understood values? And, if so, could it be that you need some coaching on that? I do coaching for Auxano, and in our co::labs we help you create a vision frame, which will give you crystal clear vision clarity, including in this all-important area of values. If you’re interested in participating in the next co::lab I’m leading, let me know.