Change Your Life

My life has been dramatically changed since I started following Jesus. And I actually mean DRAMATICALLY. And it’s all God. But if you asked me what has been the number one tool that God has used in my life, the answer would be easy: The Bible. Reading God’s Word has altered the way I look at God, myself, this life, everything.

I’ve been reading the Bible, basically every day, for over 21 years now. I’ve read most of the New Testament books 20 to 50 times each. But when I read it today, I still learn new things and find my life being changed all over again.

And all of that is why YOU need to read the Bible. If you’re reading it everyday, awesome. But if not, today would be a great day to start the habit, and to jump in with Verve’s 2012 Bible Reading Plan (which you can find at For someone new to the habit of reading the Bible, starting with a gospel (the four books that take us through the life of Jesus) is a great place to start, and today we begin with the gospel of Matthew. So go to Verve Catalysts, get the plan, read Matthew 1, read our notes on Matthew 1 at that site if you want, and start to see your life changed.