Vault Speaker Featured…
Last week Exponential (the biggest church planting conference in the country) featured an interview with Scott Bloyer on their website and email newsletter.
Scott is one of the speakers at this year’s Vault, and a church planter in Aurora, Colorado. Aurora is the town where the tragic movie theater shooting happened, and the article asks Scott about the church’s response.
Scott is an amazing guy and his church is reaching people who are truly far from God, which is way too rare. In addition to being a full-time pastor, Scott coaches football and trains UFC Fighters, and at Vault will be sharing about how a pastor can get out in the community and lead the way for his church in building relationships with people who are far from God and helping them get close to Him.
You don’t want to miss what Scott has to say, and you definitely don’t want to miss the Vault Conference this year. And if you’re a church planter, G.O. Ministries has paid for your registration – so it’s a free conference! Register today!