A Renegade Is…

A renegade is someone who goes against the grain, who rejects the conventional. It can also be someone who turns away from their faith.

Being a pastor for almost twenty years now, and speaking at churches and conferences around the country for the last ten, I’ve met thousands and thousands of Christians. And I think most of us know that something is wrong. That we’re missing something, that the way living out our faith isn’t quite right, that there’s got to be more.

In my new book, Renegade: Your Faith Isn’t Meant To Be Safe I propose going against the norm, turning away not from our faith but perhaps from the way we’ve been doing faith. I give a vision for a life of intimacy with God, that leads to a risk-taking faith, that leads to real influence in the world.  It’s filled with all kinds of crazy real life stories of renegades I’ve had the honor of knowing. I think you’ll be inspired and challenged, and you’ll definitely laugh.

It goes on sale March 1st, hope you’ll buy it on that day!