Big Announcement for Pastors: Renegade Series!

One of the most exciting things I did with my first two books was put together a message series / church campaign for other churches to do, and we’re doing the same for my new book (coming out in early March), Renegade!

Why do I to this? Lots of reasons, like:

  • It’s tough for pastors to come up with 52 sermons a year. Providing a series for them gives pastors one month where they can spend more time focusing on other important things.
  • It’s difficult for churches to come up with creative content 52 weeks a year. Providing a series gives creative teams a series they don’t have to worry about, and allows them to get started on their next series and (finally!) get ahead.
  • A lot of new church plants can’t create their own creative content (videos and graphics, etc.) because they don’t have the right people on their team yet, so this allows them to have one standout series.
  • Most Christians don’t read Christian books, but they can be life-shaping. When a church does a series on a book it gets most of their people reading the book, which gives the series WAY more potential for creating life change than a normal series where all the people do is hear messages.
  • It’s a way I can bless other churches and do something extra for God’s Kingdom.

What will be provided for this series?

  • (6) message manuscripts.  (The series is designed to be four to six weeks. There are four “core” messages, and two optional. You will get entire messages, and then can change them as you like to make them your own.)
  • A funny video for each week.  (We have a hysterical series of videos we are making for the series. You’ll love them. We also have several other “loose” videos you’ll be able to use throughout the series.)
  • Other Creative Pieces.  (A couple of top ten lists, etc.)
  • Graphics.
  • Song ideas.
  • Small group questions.

How much will it cost churches?

  • Nothing. You get everything for exactly $0.00. It will all be available to download starting in February.
  • AND if you buy the book in bulk, you get it for 50% off, so you can give your people a break on the price of the book, and your church can even make a little money selling it. (AND, my awesome publisher, Baker Books, is donating 10% of sales in cases to Verve, so you’ll be helping our church at the same time!)  All you need to do is go to for the special price (from March 15 to June 30).

    So I would definitely encourage you to do the Renegade series in 2013. And if you’re a pastor who is interested in doing the series in 2013, and would like to get a FREE PREVIEW of the (entire) book (to help you plan for the series), Baker has given me permission to give you a free download that you can have for 55 days to read the book in advance.  Just send an email to and on October 18 you will receive a link to access the book.