Value Clarity 6: Best Of Stories

If you asked me to tell you some of the best stories from Verve I would say, “Well, there’s a lot,” and then I would launch into the story about the pimp we led to Christ who has now given his entire life to ministering to people on the streets of Las Vegas, and I would tell you about the guy who came to destroy our church but became a Christ-follower and got baptized, and is now bringing people to our church, leading them to Christ, and baptizing them. And, if you had time, I’d tell you more stories just like that.

If I asked you to tell me some of the best stories from your church, what would you say?
At Auxano, one of the ways we coach churches to discover their values is by asking for “best of” stories. What are some of the stories that you love to tell and best highlight what makes your church unique? Knowing some of our church’s best of stories, it wouldn’t surprise you to learn that one of our church’s values is:  “Radical to Radical. We pour our lives into reaching people who are the furthest from God and lead them to pour their lives into fully living for Him.”
Maybe your best of stories would include times of powerful worship, or the life-changing impact of transformational Bible teaching, or how your church has catalyzed a spirit of community service throughout your entire city, or dramatic answers to prayers. Whatever they are, they are probably telling you something.  They’re clueing you in to the values that make your church unique.

Values are one side of the “Vision Frame” – a brilliant, clarifying tool from Auxano. If you want amazing coaching on discovering your values (as well as your mission, strategy and measures) get into an Auxano co-lab!