Value Clarity 7: Not A Good Fit

How do you discover your church’s values? Picture this scenario. Your church is growing. You have a staff position you need to fill. You interview a guy who has a killer resume and glowing references. He’s been a total success everywhere he’s been. He has exactly the right skill set, a great personality and godly character. You hire him. It’s a no brainer.
But you quickly start questioning the hire. After awhile it’s clear you made a mistake. Everything you heard and thought about him was true. The problem is that he’s just not a good fit with your church.
Question: What do you think it might have been about him? What’s most likely?  That he had no sense of humor? He just doesn’t get your passion to serve your city? He thinks your music is too loud? He doesn’t know how to talk to non-Christians?
Whatever it is, it may be something so important to you it’s one of your values. And your values should define who you are so clearly that they repel some great people from wanting to work with you, and lead other great people to move across the country to work for you for free.

Values are one side of the “Vision Frame” – a brilliant, clarifying tool from Auxano. If you want amazing coaching on discovering your values (as well as your mission, strategy and measures) get into an Auxano co-lab!