Verve Value 2: Irreverence TO Reverence

I mentioned awhile back that at Verve we recently went through a long process of naming our values. We felt very certain about our values – what it is that impassion and guide our decisions and makes us distinctive from other churches – but we wanted to give them words. Clarifying a church’s values bring unity, provide momentum, and help future generations understand and stay true to the original vision of the church.

We named five values, and I thought I’d share them over the next weeks. If you’re from Verve, you’ll recognize these values because we live them out everyday. If you’re a pastor from another church, hopefully reading our values will help you to think about your church’s values.

Our second value is: 
Irreverence TO Reverence
·      We do anything outside of sin to uncross the arms of unbelieving people to lead them to the cross so Jesus can remove their sin.
At Verve we don’t believe in standing where God is and demanding that non-Christians join us. We believe in going to the non-Christian and then walking with them to where God is. So rather than handing out tracts to strangers explaining why we should revere God, go to a hockey game with some non-Christian friends. And rather than start our services with worship songs people should believe, we start with a song off the radio people know, and a video or top-ten list that will make them laugh. By the end of the service, we’re doing worship songs and offering communion.

Values are one side of the “Vision Frame” – a brilliant, clarifying tool from Auxano. If you want amazing coaching on discovering your values (as well as your mission, strategy and measures) get into an Auxano co-lab!