
Verve Logo rework2 sampleI love getting to be a part of Verve. It’s a daily adventure where you never know who will show up or what’s going to happen.

In a strange set of examples this weekend: On Sunday our second service had just started when 24 teenagers walked in together. There was something odd about them. They were tall. Very tall. Probably the shortest was about six foot, but most were six-foot-six to six-foot-ten.  Turns out they were two all-star high school basketball teams from East Lansing Michigan. Their two coaches wanted them to go to church on their trip for a tournament in Vegas, each did research, and both independently decided Verve was the best bet. It was the tallest Verve gathering ever.

On Monday night we had a small group of young-20-something guys walk in … in capes. There was a story behind it, which I don’t fully understand – and don’t necessarily want to. But they sat in the front row, and I can only imagine what people who were checking out our church for the first time must have been thinking – and don’t necessarily want to.

Wonder what will happen this weekend….


  1. Tom Wilhelmi on August 2, 2013 at 8:46 am

    lol…never a dull moment…But I got a hilarious visual of an entire herd of “Tony with the cape” sitting in the front row- then the look of astonishment on your face- then the look of “Wow!” in the rest of the church! Get em Holy Spirit!