Lousy T-Shirt

About The Book

Many people find themselves asking, "Is this it?"

"We all read about the life Jesus describes and are painfully aware that our lives don't match his words," says Vince Antonucci, a disarmingly funny and edgy pastor. Raised by a Jewish mother and abandoned by his professional poker-playing father, Antonucci found Jesus at age twenty after studying the New Testament. When he finally started meeting Christians, he was disappointed to discover a "boring, stale religion."

Many of us can relate. Faith feels disconnected, sucked up by Sunday pep rallies and chintzy spiritual souvenirs. Think you might be bored with religion? Do any of these hit home:

  • I am disappointed with my spiritual life.
  • I yearn to follow Jesus and live like him.
  • I experience church as a monotonous religious routine.
  • I long for real, authentic community.
  • I seek spiritual adventure and fulfillment.
  • I need my faith to make a difference.

Identify? Through provocative storytelling and gut-level honesty, Antonucci unearths the life Jesus lived and wants us to experience, challenging us to move past spiritual boredom into a faith that's exciting, beautiful, and powerful.

  • "This book will make you laugh and make you think. It will also make you reexamine your life. If you're serious about trading in your souvenir religion for authentic spiritual passion, this book is a must-read."—Mark Batterson, lead pastor, National Community Church; author, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day
  • "Vince Antonucci is a powerful new voice for what it means to live an authentic Christian life today. He vividly describes a spiritual life filled with honesty, joy, humor, and conviction."—Jud Wilhite, senior pastor, Central Christian Church, Las Vegas; author, Stripped: Uncensored Grace on the Streets of Vegas
  • "This is a book that will entertain you, inspire you, and help you experience everything God has for you. Read it and share it with a friend."—Dave Ferguson, lead pastor, Community Christian Church / NewThing Network; author, The Big Idea
  • "The funniest and most sincere spiritual growth book I've ever experienced."—Craig Groeschel, founding and senior pastor, LifeChurch.tv; author, Chazown
  • "I can't remember a time when I've been so encouraged and challenged by the same book. If you're serious about learning how to follow Jesus in the real world, you must read this."—Brian Jones, author, Second Guessing God
  • "Some people have something worth saying, but they're as boring as the phone book. Other people are interesting, maybe even funny, but they are a few cards short in the deck of meaning. Vince is one of those rare pastors and writers who is both hilarious and substantial, and his faith isn't just a T-shirt: it's in his bones and marrow."—Brian D. McLaren, author
  • "Vince writes masterfully on his journey with Jesus and where it is taking him. He's a real deal kind of guy that I know and believe in. I loved it. I think we are seeing the emergence of a bright new author. This book is really good and is going to do a lot of good." —Bob Roberts Jr., founding pastor, NorthWood Church; author, Glocalization
  • "Refreshing, hysterical, insightful . . . real! Vince does a great job reminding those of us who have been around the church a long time to take a new look at it, to see it from a non-Christian's perspective, to look at our 'Christian life' and ask, 'Would anyone want what we have?' "It would be a great book to hand to a new Christian. His practical look at what a 'true' relationship with Jesus really looks like would save many a new believer from years of 'stumbling around' trying to figure it all out."—Jim Putman, senior pastor, Real Life Ministries; author, Church Is a Team Sport
  • "In I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt, Vince Antonucci gives an uplifting, insightful, and helpful recall of why following Jesus is worth all we have to give."—Doug Pagitt, pastor, Solomon's Porch; author, A Christianity Worth Believing
  • "A church without this book is like a kitchen without a church key (a.k.a. bottle opener): faith gets still and functional rather than sparkling and fun."—Leonard Sweet, professor, Drew University and George Fox University
  • "Vince Antonucci's personality comes through in his writing; as a person and as an author he is both refreshing and challenging. This book entertains and captivates-I found myself laughing out loud as I read-but more importantly this book will convict, even dare you, to take a fresh look at how you see your faith."—Kyle Idleman, teaching minister, Southeast Christian Church
  • "Vince Antonucci is one of the most riveting communicators I know. At every opportunity, he speaks passionately and convincingly about the church's role in reaching people far from God . . . because he was one. As you read this book, you won't stop laughing at Vince's twisted view of the world, at least until he nails you in the forehead with a life-disturbing truth. This book will transform Christian culture, and I'll be one of the first to take off my T-shirt." —Ben Arment, pastor, Reston Community Church
  • "Raucously humorous, Vince takes you on a journey toward authentically following Christ in a way that will have you laughing out loud one moment, then pondering biblical truth in a surprisingly fresh way the next. You won't put it down."—John Burke, author, No Perfect People Allowed


Free Resources

Would you like your church or small group to experience a season of incredible synergy and dynamic spiritual growth? Imagine what could happen if, for six weeks, everyone went on a journey together, exploring what’s holding them back from fully living the Christian life. What if, as a body, people started discovering their identity in Christ, practicing spiritual disciplines, serving, and sharing their faith with those who are far from God?

That’s the goal of the I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt church-wide campaign. We are providing, absolutely free, six weeks of sample sermons, small group questions, videos, and other fun creative ideas. These materials will allow you to do one of the easiest (for your staff) and best (for your church) series your church will ever experience. And if the people of your church are reading the book as you do the series on Sunday mornings and in your small groups or Sunday School classes, who knows what could happen?

To view all of the full-length videos you have two options:

  1. Visit www.youtube.com/lousytshirtbook
  2. Download the free Lousy T-Shirt book campaign. The download includes all the materials featured on this website including six weeks of sample sermons, small group questions, videos, and other fun creative ideas.


  1. Ken Witcher on May 6, 2015 at 6:02 am

    Is there a place I can buy bulk quantities for a church group study and to give out to guests?