Stop, But Start…

The other day I shared a reason I think New Years Resolutions don’t work, here’s another… Every year we pick things we don’t want to do anymore and commit to stopping. The problem is that we don’t replace the habit we’re stopping with a new habit. We need to stop doing what we’re doing, but…

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Count The Reward

2010 is about to end and maybe you’re thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. The problem with them is that they don’t work.  (Right?) I’ve become kind of obsessed with HOW lives change. How do we stop living our same old stuck lives, and start truly living the life? How do we see real, permanent change…

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The New Caveman Version?

I’m excited for today. Why? Because I get to talk about the Bible. Every Sunday (and Monday) I get to teach people out of the Bible, which is an amazing honor. But tomorrow I am teaching people (out of the Bible) about the Bible. Why is that a big deal? Because the Bible is absolutely…

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So many people get stuck. And we don’t want to, but we stay stuck. I wonder why… Do you think it might be that our motivation for getting unstuck is wrong. Why do I want my marriage to get better? So I’ll be happier. Why do I want to get out of debt? So I…

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A few weeks ago in our Unstuck series at Verve we talked about the importance of tenacity.  Well, I’m currently reading through the book of Romans in my personal Bible study and I noticed something in Romans 2:5-7.  Verse 5 describes people who are absolutely stubborn about living against God and not doing what He…

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