Help Verve Launch a Recovery Ministry!

Help Verve Launch a Recovery Ministry! In 2017 Verve is launching a recovery ministry. In a city that basically promotes addiction, a recovery ministry is vital in helping people find healing, know Jesus, and really follow Him. We don’t have a staff person for this (you could pray for that for us!) so we will…

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Here’s a video of the most recent message from Verve’s series called Somethin’ Fishy:

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Would You Help Me Name My Next Book?

If you were browsing through a book shelf at the book store, or were specifically looking to buy a book to improve how you deal with some of the hurts and self-destructive habits you struggle with, and the following book titles were on the shelf, which three of these titles would you most consider buying?…

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The Other Half Of The Story

In my messages and books I sometimes share stories from my childhood about my abusive father. There’s a reason. Most people have been through a lot of hurt in life. It helps them to know the guy they’re listening to has been through some too. I don’t enjoy telling those stories, but I think it’s…

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