Seriously, How Cool Is God?!

If you’re following me on Twitter – @vinceantonucci – you heard a piece of this story, but here’s the fuller version, and it’s definitely worth reading… I write out my messages, word for word, and then read them a couple times before Sunday. They never come out exactly how I wrote them, but it’s usually…

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Life in 140

Tomorrow at Verve we’re starting a new series:  LIFE IN 140. We’ll be studying through the Bible book of Philippians and looking at the kinda life tweet Paul put in there in chapter 1, verse 21. We’ll see what it looks like to have a life that is Christ, and how we can start living…

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Join Our Team

We have a goal of getting thousands of people praying for Verve everyday. What we’ve chosen to do – reach the people who are the furthest from God in the middle of Sin City – isn’t easy, and will only work if God is the one giving the victory. So we want as many people…

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