The Top Ten List …

Okay, we’re writing a top ten list together and it’s … “The Top Ten Things to Do During an Awkward Moment at Church.” This is going to serve as Forefront’s emergency plan just in case the message ever freezes up at our video campus…

I cannot wait to see what you all come up with, but just to get you started, I came up with a few of my own. Don’t let me intimidate you with my world-class top ten writing ability. Have fun with this and give me the best couple you’ve got!

The Top Ten Things to Do During an Awkward Moment at Church:

  • Give yourself a wedgie
  • Ask, very loudly, “So, does anyone in here kiss better than my mom?”
  • Hey, let’s take another offering!
  • Show self-made documentary you made about your last rectal exam
  • Discuss with person sitting next to whether legally changing your name to Colonial Sanders is a good idea
  • Yell, “Can I borrow some toilet paper from anyone?”

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