The Multiplying Church 5: A Church Planter Is…
I’m gonna do a few series kind of interacting with and starting discussions about themes in some books on church planting. This first series comes out of the The Multiplying Church.
What are the characteristics of a church planter? Bob Roberts lists 5 characteristics:
- Entrepreneurs: The First One to Jump
- Evangelists: Great Conversationalists for Christ
- Equippers: Skillful Encouragers Who Challenge and Coach
- Mystics: Seeing and Thinking in Ways Others Don’t
- Designers: Learning from a World of Knowledge
So, what do you think of that list? Anything you think isn’t necessary? Or anything you think should be added?
I’m adding “Faith.” That’s probably a part of the idea of “Mystics” in Bob’s list. But I just think a church planter has to be able to see what can’t be seen. And on the dark days (there are many!) the have to be able to believe in something that makes no sense.
If I’m putting the characteristics in order of importance, I’m going: (1) Faith, (2) Mystic, (3) Entrepreneur, (4) Evangelist, (5) Designer, (6) Equipper.
Okay, one more question. For you church planters: Which of those five is your weakest, and which is your strongest? For me, weakest is easy: Equipper. Strongest for me? I’m not sure. Maybe entrepreneur, or evangelist? What about you?
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