Starting New Churches On Purpose (4)
I’m gonna share some ideas from Ron Sylvia’s book, Starting New Churches On Purpose, and process them out loud and see what you think. Here’s one:
Ron discusses some of the characteristics of a church planter: (1) A church start has to be an all-consuming fire in your life. (2) The ability to lead: cast vision, motivate, and direct people to accomplish the purposes of God. (3) The ability to teach and capture people’s attention. (4) A passion for people who are far from God. A friend of sinners. (5) A passion for the local church.
So … might you be a church planter?
Which of those characteristics do you have the most? (For me, it’s a passion for people who are far from God.)
And which of those characteristics do you need to grow in the most? (For me, it’s a passion for the local church.)