Starting New Churches On Purpose (7)
I’m gonna share some ideas from Ron Sylvia’s book, Starting New Churches On Purpose, and process them out loud and see what you think. Here’s one:
Ron teaches the ideas of “Love everyone but move with the movers” and “Don’t surrender the vision.” The idea is that yes, we’re supposed to love everyone. And we should be nice to everyone. But when you have a person in your church who doesn’t buy into your vision, love them out the door. You cannot surrender the vision, and even though you love this person, you need them to leave. Love them, but “move with the movers” – stick with the people who buy into your vision and will move to the rhythm of your church and chase with you after God and His future for your church.
I couldn’t agree more. I think I may be the king of showing people the door. It’s probably to a fault, but I don’t have patience for people who want to argue about the vision. If you’re having problems with it now, you’re just gonna have more later, so let’s call it quits before it gets ugly.
I know it’s easy to think, “I can’t afford to lose this person,” but trust me – you can’t afford not to.