
So where were you? Where were you seven years ago today when you learned that a plane had hit the Word Trade Center?

Isn’t it sad that we don’t have good events that have happened that we can all remember where we were at the time? It’s like…when JFK got shot, the Challenger exploded, the planes hitting the towers.

I was at the Forefront office and received a phone call letting me know. The rest of that day was just a horrible nightmare come to life that I watched on a TV.

I so remember the next day, getting up early to see what was happening, and watching rescue workers dig through the rubble, trying to find people buried alive. Family members were walking around the outskirts of Ground Zero, showing pictures of their missing loved ones, hoping that someone had seen them, that they might appear.

I couldn’t help but think, “That’s the Church!” It’s like God has these missing loved ones. And we, the church, are rescue workers who get the critical mission of searching for those people who have been buried alive under the rubble of life, who are near death but still have the hope of life.
Can you imagine a rescue worker getting called on the morning of 9/12 and being asked to search for the missing and saying no? Of course not. So…you and I have been called by God and asked to search for the missing – what’s your answer? Have you been saying no? How could you say yes this week? What could you do to help buried people find God and life?