Recurring Series – 2
Last time I started talkin about how we did a couple series a second time at Forefront and realize there might be some power in it…
Normally when we’re about to start a new series we say, “Hey, next week we’re starting a new series called Crappy Love Songs” (and sometimes the name of the series will get a slight reaction – in this case a little laughter) “It’s going to be great, bring a friend with you next week” (and sometimes people do.)
But when we say, “Next week we’re starting a new series called Seussapalooza” (instantly there is a little buzz all around the room as people whisper to the person sitting next to them) “This is a series we’ve done before and had a lot of fun with, learned a lot from, and there are a few more Seuss books we’re gonna hit this time” (more buzz) “So bring a friend with you” (and it’s much more likely people do.)
Why? I’ll tell you what I think next time. (And, oh, by the way, I know that you’re much too cool to do a series on Seuss books. I’m just not as cool as you.)