Recurring Series – 4
Last time I said that maybe part of the power of the recurring series is that it’s a proven brand. Let’s develop that idea a little further…
What’s proven about it? Well, one is hopefully that it is relevant to life. If the last time that series occured it really helped me, I’m assuming it will also help this time.
Second is that it’s creative. With each series the people in our churches are wondering: “What is this series gonna be like? What is it about? Will it be fun? Challenging? Boring?” But if last time this series featured these funny videos, or some incredible spoken word poetry, or interpretive dances by a fat guy in leotards, well, I’m assuming it’s also going to be good this time.
There’s more, but that’s enough for you to think about. For now … you must submit to the power of the recurring series. You must submit to the power of the recurring series. You must submit to the power of the recurring series.
And, in all seriousness, what are you thinking? Does all of this make sense to you? Do you think you might try it? Why or why not?