Power Power
Earlier I wrote about how Jesus commanded His followers not to go out without the Holy Spirit’s power. Here’s something else to think about: In Matthew 12:28 Jesus says, “But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Now I’m not smart enough to totally understand this or to get in a theological debate with you, but what seems clear to me is that Jesus says that His ministry came through the power of the Holy Spirit.
And if Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to do ministry, well, I probably do too. And I’m guessing you’re probably in the same boat as me and Jesus. But be honest, what do you do ministry out of? In Zecharaiah 4:6, God says, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.”
But maybe some of us have been doing ministry not by His Spirit, but by might and power. And that might explain some of our lack of results, frustration, and feelings of inadequacy.
Honesty time: Could that be true for you?