WHY Tithe?
It is a dangerous thing to preach about money to people who were recently unchurched or antichurched. You are confirming their stereotypes that you’re after their money. I’ve shared some thoughts this week on how to overcome that…
The other issue is that this person is thinking, “There’s no way you’re gonna get me to give TEN PERCENT of my hard earned money!” And so you have to explain the WHY. Don’t assume they know that they’re supposed to give, or why they would give. So you need to explain why.
And not just the Bible says so. Yes, that is reason enough, but tell them WHY God says so. Why is giving ten percent to God a wise move? Things like: (1) It’s not really your money anyway; (2) God will bless you; (3) It teaches you to rely on God; (4) It gives your kids an example of generosity; (5) It helps us make God our top priority; (6) It helps us face our mortality; (7) It helps us not to buy into the American Dream; (8) It allows us to invest in people’s eternities; (9) It shows and grows our love for God.
Give ’em the why…