The Decision

Hey, for those who care… I announced last week that I’m going to “relaunch” this blog on January 1st and instead of doing series where I’m sharing lessons I’ve learned in church planting, I am going to make it more of a sharing my daily journey in starting a new church on the Vegas Strip. I hope this is (1) helpful in some way to other church planters, (2) a way for people who are praying for and supporting our church plant to stay in touch, and (3) maybe even be cool for the people I’m connecting with in Vegas to read.

So … I mentioned that I might purge this blog of all the old posts and I’ve decided that … I am going to do that. The main reason is that there’s a lot of stuff on this blog that I wouldn’t be excited for a non-Christian to read. I don’t know why I’ve never thought of that before, but I am now with the upcoming move. It just never occurred to me that anyone I met would google my name and find this blog, but lately that’s happened twice. So the old posts will be gone.

If you want a series, you’ve got two weeks to cut and paste whatever you’d like. After that, if you e-mail me and ask for something specific, I’ll try to get it to you.