Tithing: The Standard Goes Up
There were several comments on my posts last week about how to teach on tithing for non-Christians basically saying, “Tithing is an Old Testament concept. It’s part of the law, and Christians don’t live by the Old Testament law anymore.” And that’s true. But think about it.
- In the Old Testament the law said you shall not murder. In the New Testament Jesus came along and said you can’t even hate.
- In the Old Testament the law said you shall not commit adultery, then in the New Testament Jesus came along and said you can’t even lust.
I think in every case the standard goes up, not down! And in the Old Testament the law said ten percent of what you make is God’s. In the New Testament we’re told that everything is God’s. Just as it always does, the standard goes up.
So what does that say about the ten percent standard of the Old Testament? I’ll share what I think next time…